本篇论文的内容主要讲述利用气质联用作为检测氨基酸,有机酸,糖类,糖醇类和脂肪酸的一个平台,通过针对不同的后代(幼苗)、淀粉含量、烹饪方式和休眠期的检测得到的结果来描述六种不同品种商业马铃薯品种(Hópehely, Katica, Lorett, Somogyi kifli, Vénusz Gold, and White Lady)的特征。分析方法是气质联用平台检测到代谢物之后,采用主成分分析去掉无关的代谢物,得到增加和减少的代谢物的含量,再对比与其对应的马铃薯品种,最终分析得到结果。

Title:A GC–MS-based metabolomics study on the tubers of commercial potato cultivars upon storage
Author: Csilla Uri , Zsófia Juhász , Zsolt Polgár , Zsófia Bánfalvi .
Journal: Food Chemistry
Keywords: GC–MS; Metabolomics; Solanum tuberosum; Storage; Tuber.
Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) as a system for the detection of amino acids, organic acids, sugars, sugar alcohols, and fatty acids, we characterised six commercial potato cultivars (Hópehely, Katica, Lorett, Somogyi kifli, Vénusz Gold, and White Lady) with different pedigrees, starch contents, cooking types, and dormancy periods, in five developmental stages from harvest to sprouting. The tubers were stored at 20–22 °C in the dark. The metabolite data were subjected to principal component analysis. No correlation between metabolite contents of freshly harvested tubers and starch content or cooking type of the cultivars was detected. The storage decreased the fructose and sucrose and increased the proline concentrations of tubers. Irrespective of the length of dormancy a substantial difference in metabolite composition at each time point upon storage was detected in each cultivar except Somogyi kifli, the only cultivar amongst those tested with a pure Solanum tuberosum origin and A cooking type.