Nature Medicine期刊在线发表了谱领客户所属宁光院士团队的论文
热烈祝贺顶级期刊Nature Medicine于2017年6月19日在线发表了我公司客户所属的宁光院士团队以Gut microbiome and serum metabolome alterations in obesity and after weight-loss intervention为名的论文!谱领生物为其提供了血清代谢组学核心部分的实验和数据分析服务。
Title:Gut microbiome and serum metabolome alterations in obesity and after weight-loss intervention;
Author:Ruixin Liu1,16, Jie Hong1,16, Xiaoqiang Xu2,3,16, Qiang Feng2,4,16, Dongya Zhang2,16, Yanyun Gu1,16, Juan Shi1, Shaoqian Zhao1, Wen Liu1, Xiaokai Wang2,3 , Huihua Xia2,5, Zhipeng Liu2, Bin Cui1,6, Peiwen Liang1, Liuqing Xi1, Jiabin Jin7, Xiayang Ying7, Xiaolin Wang8, Xinjie Zhao8, Wanyu Li1, Huijue Jia2,5,9 , Zhou Lan2, Fengyu Li2, Rui Wang1, Yingkai Sun1, Minglan Yang1, Yuxin Shen1, Zhuye Jie2,5, Junhua Li2,5,9, Xiaomin Chen2, Huanzi Zhong2,5 , Hailiang Xie2, Yifei Zhang1, Weiqiong Gu1 , Xiaxing Deng7, Baiyong Shen7, Xun Xu2,5, Huanming Yang2,10, Guowang Xu8 , Yufang Bi1, Shenghan Lai11, Jian Wang2,10, Lu Qi12,13, Lise Madsen2,14,15, Jiqiu Wang1, Guang Ning1,6, Karsten Kristiansen2,5,15 & Weiqing Wang1
Journal:Nature Medicine(IF=29.89);published online 19 June 2017; doi:10.1038/nm.4358;
Emerging evidence has linked the gut microbiome to human obesity. We performed a metagenome-wide association study and serum metabolomics profiling in a cohort of lean and obese, young, Chinese individuals. We identified obesity-associated gut microbial species linked to changes in circulating metabolites. The abundance of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a glutamate- fermenting commensal, was markedly decreased in obese individuals and was inversely correlated with serum glutamate concentration. Consistently, gavage with B. thetaiotaomicron reduced plasma glutamate concentration and alleviated diet-induced body-weight gain and adiposity in mice. Furthermore, weight-loss intervention by bariatric surgery partially reversed obesity-associated microbial and metabolic alterations in obese individuals, including the decreased abundance of B. thetaiotaomicron and the elevated serum glutamate concentration. Our findings identify previously unknown links between intestinal microbiota alterations, circulating amino acids and obesity, suggesting that it may be possible to intervene in obesity by targeting the gut microbiota.